Who is Electric Barbecue?

We are a classic rock band from central Connecticut in the U.S.A. Our four piece band was formed in 1988 and we have always been there for each other.

Our self-titled album is our debut work. We have self published through CDBaby and we want your help to spread the word about the music. Share the songs you like with friends and let the circle expand. The Bone will get there soon.

Besides sharing good music with friends and being a creative outlet in a world starving for original works, one of our goals with this album is to introduce our work to other creative people who may want to use it in their own creative works. If you want to use a track or a piece of a song we wrote, we would love to talk to you about licensing our music. See any of our social platforms in the links above or use the form email on this site and let’s start something great.